Free Tabletop Licenses
Create, publish and sell your own game using the Year Zero Engine with the Free Tabletop License (FTL), and your own adventures and supplements for Dragonbane using the third-party license for the game.
Free League has released two open game licenses for community creators: a Free Tabletop License (FTL) for the Year Zero Engine and a third-party license for the fantasy RPG Dragonbane. The Year Zero Engine FTL comes with an updated Standard Reference Document (SRD). All three documents are available for everyone to use.
The Year Zero Engine Free Tabletop Licence (FTL) is designed to be fair and easy to understand and use for community creators. It gives all creators an irrevocable, worldwide, and royalty-free right to use the Year Zero Engine Standard Reference Document (YZE SRD) and freely publish their own roleplaying games based on it.
The YZE FTL can be found here. Alongside the new YZE FTL, the YZE SRD itself has been given an overhaul and update, based on the developments of the Year Zero Engine in recent years. The new SRD adds rules for chases, vehicles, travel, and magic, and introduces the new “step dice” version of YZE found in Twilight: 2000 and the Blade Runner RPG. The new YZE SRD (version 1.0) can be acccessed here.
The Dragonbane third-party license (version 1.0) can be found here and the Swedish version here. This license allows creators to freely publish RPG supplements explicitly compatible with Dragonbane and the original Swedish game Drakar och Demoner. It lets creators place the A Supplement for Dragonbane logo (here, Swedish version here) on the front cover. Dragonbane is a translation of Free League’s new edition of Scandinavia’s first and biggest tabletop RPG Drakar och Demoner.
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